

Mangosteen skin

Skin mangosteen has many benefits such as, among others, can strengthen and widen blood vessels, lowering bad cholesterol levels and may lower high blood pressure. Efficacy Skin Mangosteen also be able to shed accumulation of cholesterol that clogs blood circulation causes coronary heart disease, so with reduced accumulation of cholesterol, then the blood circulation to the heart will flow smoothly so that the supply of oxygen and nutrients to the heart. and there are many other benefits of mangosteen peel.

olives fruit

olives are very beneficial for heart health, because it contains a lot of anti-oxidants. This fruit contains substances that provide protection hydroxyl well against cholesterol oxidation process. so as to prevent blockage of the blood vessels that lead to coronary heart disease.This substance also contains no inflammation, no atherogenic as oxidation inhibition.

Red pomegranate

Scientists believe that the red pomegranate contains many beneficial compounds that provide cardioprotective effects that provide protection to the heart. This substance works through a mechanism to combat coronary heart disease, in particular by reducing oxidative stress and prevent harmful oxidation. that trigger coronary heart disease.

Soursop leaf

Soursop leaf is a natural remedy for your affected coronary artery. because the soursop leaves many substances and compounds containing several important bleak: fructose, fat, protein, calcium, phosphorus, vitamin A, and vitamin B, tannins, phytosterols, and alkaloids, and asetogenin which have benefits for heart healthy because it has properties of lowering high blood pressure and suppress the activity of the heart.
Soursop leaves are also useful to dilate the blood vessels are clogged. Benefits of Soursop Leaf others are able to lower blood sugar levels which is the trigger heart 

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