

Love Your heart

How to Prevent Heart Disease

1. Avoid smoking

Smoking is one of the causes of heart disease because of the nicotine contained in cigarettes can reduce the supply of oxygen in the lungs and also clog the blood vessels, causing interference with the circulation of blood from the heart to the lungs and vice versa. with disruption of the blood vessels will cause interference with your heart pumping. then stop smoking and dear to your heart!

2.  Watch your diet

Multiply Eating servings of vegetables and fresh fruit every day. Fruits and vegetables are full of fiber. Try to increase the amount of consumption of fruits and vegetables everyday.because fruits and vegetables contain lots of vitamins and antioxidants that can reduce the saturated fat in the body, and can also boost the immune system. but do not gathering too much because it can affect your digestive yourself !.

3. Regular exercise

Familiarize your life with exercise  regularly because besides strengthening the body. regular exercise can also burn saturated fat in our bodies. so that the fatty deposits that interfere with blood circulation will quickly diminish and your heart will remain it between 15 to 30 minutes every day.

4. Do not be too stressful

Heavy thoughts or stress also have an impact on heart disease. because in a state of stress can be excessive adrenaline so as result of increased blood pressure, and cause an increase in heart rate which then cause pain in the chest. in addition to excessive stress can also cause hypertension. avoid stress started now!

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